Eliminate Distance and Reading Glasses, Part 1

Part One: Presbyopia

Dr. Timothy B. Cavanaugh has been honored as one of the top 25 Crystalens implanting surgeons in the United States. This is evidence that he has embraced the newest proven technology to help patients achieve the widest range of vision possible, obtaining their goals without glasses or contacts. This five part blog series will cover Presbyopia, what this condition means for patients’ vision, and the different treatment options available. Today’s post is an overview of Presbyopia.

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Presbyopia, the clinical term describing the loss of near vision that occurs around the age of 40, is due to natural changes in the focusing system of the human eye. The human lens, which sits directly behind the pupil, loses its flexibility and in turn the ability to focus for objects up close. This can make reading a book, seeing your cell phone, or computer work difficult. Patients struggling with near vision can experience headaches, strain, fatigue, and blur when trying to accomplish everyday tasks. Presbyopia will continue to progress well into a patient’s mid-60s.

Many patients are unwilling to accept these age related vision changes and arrive at Cavanaugh Eye Center for solutions to their unique vision problems. Our patients are pleased when they realize we have many options available to them for treatment of their condition.

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Treatment Option Choices: IOLs, LASIK, NearVision CK

One popular choice for patients fighting presbyopia is multi-focus/presbyopia correcting IOLs. Multi-focus/presbyopia correcting IOLs are used for patients with or without cataracts to correct a patient’s prescription by replacing the lens inside of the eye. This is the most permanent fix for patients and one of the best solutions to provide a wide range of vision, from near to far. LASIK is an additional option for patients seeking more freedom from glasses or contacts. When LASIK is used to treat Presbyopia, a concept called “blended vision” is utilized and can be very effective. NearVision CK (Conductive Keratoplasty) is a third option for patients. This treatment employs radio waves to change the curvature of the cornea and in turn bring near vision back into focus. This safe procedure is quick and painless and may be a great choice for you.

Next Steps

Stay tuned! The upcoming posts in this blog series will cover each treatment topic in-depth. Want more information now? Feel free to browse the Over 40 Vision section on our website or call our office at 913-897-9200 to schedule a free screening today. We also offer free vision correction seminars with Dr. Cavanaugh offered several times a year.

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