COVID-19 and Cavanaugh Eye Center Patient Care
COVID-19 Update and Information for Patients
Updated 05/17/2021.
Dear Cavanaugh Eye Center Family,
At Cavanaugh Eye Center, we remain focused on providing top-of-the-line medical and surgical eye care in a safe and controlled environment. Please read over the information below for an update on our office’s infectious disease protocols and what to expect when visiting our office for your appointment.
Social Distancing Clinics
When feasible, our office will continue to promote social distancing of patients and employees for the foreseeable future. To that end, our schedules have been modified to reduce patient movement from examination rooms and throughout the clinic to minimize exposure to infectious disease. Our waiting room will have limited capacity and there may be times where you will be asked to remain in the foyer or your car until space becomes available.
We will continue to ask that our patients are unaccompanied to their visits or to limit their guests to one essential caregiver.
Based on the most current CDC recommendations for health care providers, we are continuing to ask patients to remain masked in our office and will continue to follow our existing infectious disease protocols at this time. As health care providers, we believe it is important to take the appropriate precautions and follow the recommendations made local, state and national health organizations.
Patient Screenings
Prior to entering Cavanaugh Eye Center, all patients and essential guests will be screened for potential COVID-19 exposure, current symptoms, any recent respiratory illness and travel. Your temperature and pulse oximetry readings will be taken upon entering our office. Additionally, all patients and essential guests will be required to sanitize their hands upon entry.
Environmental Cleaning
We adhere to strict and rigorous cleaning protocols that surpass the CDC recommended guidelines for disinfection of healthcare clinical settings. Staff and patient equipment, examination rooms, keyboards and other frequently touched or shared surfaces are disinfected before and after each patient encounter. Deep office cleanings are scheduled and performed several times throughout the day.
Employee Health Screenings and Safety
Similar to patient screenings, Cavanaugh Eye Center employees are screened daily and are required to report any symptoms, potential exposure events and travel requests to our doctors and management team. Our doctors and managers are up-to-date with the latest CDC recommended guidelines and are closely monitoring our employee’s health during this pandemic. Furthermore, our staff is required to wear surgical masks at all times when in the workplace. Direct patient care staff are wearing N95 masks during clinic.
Certain eye conditions can be effectively managed via Telemedicine and other virtual formats. The benefits of Telemedicine include patient cost-sharing programs with most insurance companies, no risk “face-to-face” interaction with your provider from the comfort of your home and reduced potential exposure to infectious disease. Our doctors can prescribe and refill medications for many conditions through a Telemedicine appointment and can also determine whether or not your eye condition warrants a live visit. If you are interested in a Telemedicine appointment, please call our main phone number for scheduling.
We will continue to communicate with our patient base as the situation evolves. The safety of our patients, doctors and staff are of utmost importance. We welcome any questions, feedback and suggestions from our patients. Please call 913-752-9675 to schedule an appointment or to talk with our staff. Thank you for your putting your trust in our office.
Best Regards,