For some Kansas City residents, yard work can be relaxing and therapeutic. For others it can be a tedious chore. Regardless of your preference, Cavanaugh Eye Center knows that working outside can be hazardous to your eyes.
4 out of every 10 accidents that cause blindness happen in the home. Quite a few of these occur while people are working in the yard, mowing, using power tools or chemicals.
Think it won’t happen to you? Think again. Recently, I had three emergency patients added to my schedule in ONE morning. The common denominator? They were all working in the yard (and not together I might add).
So what should you do? I bet you could guess I would say put on protective eye wear! There are two main types of simple protective eyewear: safety spectacles and goggles.
Safety spectacles provide basic protection against impact and optical radiation (example: UV light). Side shields are recommended when using spectacle protection. Non-prescription and impact resistant specs with side shields are available at most home improvement stores at an affordable cost.
Goggles are more protective than safety spectacles and provide defense against hazards from any direction. Most goggles can be worn over prescription glasses. There are several anti-fog options available. Just like safety spectacles, goggles are available at most home improvement stores.
Would you like to read more? See this article written by the American Optometric Association regarding how to protect your eyes while working.
– Dr. Jaynes
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